UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training - CDT OneZoo
[Partner Address Line 1]
[Address Line 2]
[Address Line 3]
To the OneZoo CDT,
On behalf of [Organisation], Please accept this Letter of Support for:
Project: xxxxxxx
Please include here a brief organisation description, specifying why your organisation is interested in supporting this application.
In support of this application, [Organisation] will provide:
Individual PhD project support: We will work with the OneZoo researchers to further co-design the PhD projects. We understand that the projects and scholarships will be allocated on a competitive basis. If the advertised project is selected, we will commit to the following contributions over the 3.5 year funded studentship: [please fill in below as appropriate – delete / amend sections as needed]
Student supervision and management: Staff time (Staff member name) Access to [please list data/software/resources/equipment /materials/facilities] Research support training grant: Please indicate if you are able to offer a £ contribution towards the student’s research costs e.g. for fieldwork / specialist training needed for the particular project etc. Hosting of the student in the organisation: Please indicate if you are able to host the PhD student at your institution and for how long (per year/in total).
Cohort suppport: We recognise that our involvement in the interdisciplinary training programme is critical and will support this by [please enter any in-kind or explicit support e.g. X days of staff time per year to participate/lead a workshop/training event AND/OR invite the whole cohort to visit our organisation].
[Insert Signature]
[Insert Name]
Named Project Contact for the CDT.
[Insert Date Signed]